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  • Erin Monahan

Books That Will Change Your Life (actively updated)

I believe the right book finds you at the right time. When the cosmic energy aligns for you to receive the message in that book. It's not about the author or the genre. To me, it's timing and energy. As an example -- and I'm going to catch some flack for this -- The Alchemist did nothing for me on the first read. Not ruling it out altogether, I'll pick it up again at some point....when the time is right.

If we've worked together, chances are you left session with a book recommendation and I delight in sharing. Here are some of my go-tos:

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz. It's a simple yet profound book and it will SET.YOU.FREE. Now, I have a very specific way I recommend you approach this book.

Step 1: Buy it. Don't borrow.

Step 2: Read it all the way through once. Cover to cover. It's a small book that you could likely get through in a day or weekend.

Step 3: Re-read the first agreement again. Stop there. Practice it for a week. Maybe journal about your experience at the end of the week.

Step 4: Re-read the second agreement again. Stop there. Practice it for a week. Maybe journal about your experience at the end of the week.

Step 5: Re-read the third agreement again. Stop there. Practice it for a week. Maybe journal about your experience at the end of the week.

Step 6: Re-read the fourth agreement again. Stop there. Practice it for a week. Maybe journal about your experience at the end of the week.

Step 7: Repeat Steps 3-6 except this time, practice each agreement for a month before moving on to the next.

BONUS: Re-read annually

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks. Gay packs a punch in this deceptively slim book. Two HUGE concepts to explore: Upper Limit Problem and Zone of Genius. Wherever you are in your career, this is a great book. If you are 5-15 years in and feeling stuck, this is an excellent book. Run. Don't walk.

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